The Falcon and the Hawk

by Jonathan Blaustein

Short post today.

(I caught a cold Friday night, and it’s laid me low.)

Weird to think such “normal” viruses are back.

The kind that won’t kill you, require taking obnoxious tests, or make you quarantine for days.

The kind that hits when you’re worn out, and your immune system is compromised.

It’s frustrating, but reminiscent of the before-times.

So that’s something.

Short post today, but not one lacking mission.

With my limited energy, I still had to take the dogs for a walk this morning, as that’s part of the deal.

Even on a huge farm, our pack still insists on human leaders to make the rounds, check the territorial borders, catch some exercise, and of course relieve their bowels.

Olly, along the acequia

This morning, just as I was leaving our favorite stretching spot, (a fence gate that’s quite convenient,) I heard a red-tailed hawk screech above us.

Live in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains long enough, and you’ll recognize the call immediately.

So I looked up and saw the strangest thing.

A tiny falcon was dive-bombing the massive hawk.

Flitting around the bigger bird, causing a nuisance.

It was wild.

Much as I normally just try to enjoy those moments, I grabbed the iPhone, set it to zoom, and tried to capture a fraction of a second.

With a little help from enlarging the file, I can at least show you the fuzzy outlines of the encounter.

Right after I took this, the hawk caught an air current and sailed off.

The freaking falcon won!

The other bird was 10x the size, but took the hint and left town. (So to speak.)

I mention this because in a might makes right era, (to which we’ve tenuously returned,) we always assume the bigger, stronger entity will win.

And normally, that’s true.

But not always.

Training, technique, strategy, tactics, heart, motivation, expertise, experience… these things matter too.

In difficult times, it’s important to remember the unexpected happens constantly.

And sometimes, underdogs win.

So if you’re down, don’t give up.

Catch you next time.