Twenty Years of Marriage

by Jonathan Blaustein

I’ve written a lot about my career lately.

How it needs a boost.

Some fresh energy.

It’s definitely a mid-life thing, because a bunch of people have reached out to say I’m not alone.

But sometimes, when we focus on one area of our lives too much, it can do a disservice to the things that are going well.

Yesterday, I wrote about all the love I have in my family, between my wife, kids and the dogs.

Jessie and the dogs, this morning

I’m also in the best physical shape of my life; regularly sparring with higher-ranked BJJ guys half my age.

Today, though, I want to briefly discuss the best thing in my life.

The thing that makes everything else possible.

My 20 year marriage to Jessie Kaufman, the most amazing person I know.

That’s right.

Today’s our anniversary, as we were married on Memorial Day Weekend, 2004.

We’re planning to celebrate a bit with the kids this weekend, as today’s a work-day, but hopefully we’ll have some fun later too.

I bought Jessie some beautiful flowers, and we had a nice walk in the sun already.

Jessie and me, this morning, celebrating our 20th Anniversary

This post, though, matters.

People from 44 countries in every part of Earth have read articles on this blog in May.

I’m speechless.

And since I write about my life, I want to share with all of you that Jessie is kind, considerate, caring, super-smart, empathetic, funny, warm, helpful, beautiful, charming, thoughtful, stylish, talented, hard-working, strong, and just an all-around terrific wife and mother.

If Sunshine and Olly is to be an honest place, then I can’t just bitch and critique.

Sometimes, we need to honor someone, and then step out of the way.

Jessie, I love you!

Happy 20th Anniversary!

Thanks for being the best life-partner a guy could ask for.